Conducting board meetings is a responsibility that requires a keen eye, careful pacing, and an awareness of how the time of board members is being used. To assist in these efforts, board management software tools like a board portal can help in the preparation of agendas and other materials for meetings ahead of time, making them more accessible to directors in addition to increasing the number participants at meetings and allowing board members to review decisions and instructions in advance.
The first step is to clearly communicate the procedure for making decisions to your board. By clearly stating if your board will be using consensus or voting methods for making decisions, everyone will be aware of what is expected during the meeting. This helps to avoid confusion, for instance, if directors bring up an issue that was already addressed at a previous meeting.
After settling old business, the board will move on to new items on the agenda. Like all discussions it is essential to respect the rights of other board members to speak. Chairs should only allow one director to speak at a given time. The chair of the board must supervise the discussion, facilitating the discussion and ensuring that all board members are present.
The board will then vote on any new business item and then records the results in the official minutes of the meeting. When a member is not satisfied with the result of the vote, they may ask that it be reconsidered or request that the issue be referred to a committee for further consideration.